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Data Grid - Export

Easily export the rows in various file formats such as CSV, Excel, or PDF.

Enabling export

Default Toolbar

To enable the export menu, pass the GridToolbar component in the Toolbar component slot.

<DataGrid {} loading={loading} components={{ Toolbar: GridToolbar }} />

Custom Toolbar

The export menu is provided in a stand-alone component named GridToolbarExport. You can use it in a custom toolbar component as follows.

function CustomToolbar() {
  return (
      <GridToolbarExport />

Export options

By default, the export menu displays all the available export formats, according to your license, which are

You can customize their respective behavior by passing an options object either to the GridToolbar or to the GridToolbarExport as a prop.

<DataGrid componentsProps={{ toolbar: { csvOptions } }} />
// same as
<GridToolbarExport csvOptions={csvOptions} />

Each export option has its own API page:

Disabled format

You can remove an export format from the toolbar by setting its option property disableToolbarButton to true. In the following example, the print export is disabled.

  componentsProps={{ toolbar: { printOptions: { disableToolbarButton: true } } }}

Exported columns

By default, the export will only contain the visible columns of the grid. There are a few ways to include or hide other columns.

  • Set the disableExport attribute to true in GridColDef for columns you don't want to be exported.
<DataGrid columns={[{ field: 'name', disableExport: true }, { field: 'brand' }]} />
  • Set allColumns in export option to true to also include hidden columns. Those with disableExport=true will not be exported.
<DataGrid componentsProps={{ toolbar: { csvOptions: { allColumns: true } } }} />
  • Set the exact columns to be exported in the export option. Setting fields overrides the other properties. Such that the exported columns are exactly those in fields in the same order.
  componentsProps={{ toolbar: { csvOptions: { fields: ['name', 'brand'] } } }}

Exported rows

โš ๏ธ This section only applies to the CSV and the Excel export. The print export always prints rows in their current state.

By default, the grid exports the selected rows if there are any. If not, it exports all rows (filtered and sorted rows, according to active rules), including the collapsed ones.

Alternatively, you can set the getRowsToExport function and export any rows you want, as in the following example. The grid exports a few selectors that can help you get the rows for the most common use-cases:

Selector Behavior
gridRowIdsSelector The rows in their original order.
gridSortedRowIdsSelector The rows after applying the sorting rules.
gridFilteredSortedRowIdsSelector The rows after applying the sorting rules, and the filtering rules.
gridVisibleSortedRowIdsSelector The rows after applying the sorting rules, the filtering rules, and without the collapsed rows.
gridPaginatedVisibleSortedGridRowIdsSelector The rows after applying the sorting rules, the filtering rules, without the collapsed rows and only for the current page (Note: If the pagination is disabled, it will still take the value of page and pageSize).

When using Row grouping, it can be useful to remove the groups from the CSV export

CSV export

Exported cells

When the value of a field is an object or a renderCell is provided, the CSV export might not display the value correctly. You can provide a valueFormatter with a string representation to be used.

      field: 'progress',
      valueFormatter: ({ value }) => `${value * 100}%`,
      renderCell: ({ value }) => <ProgressBar value={value} />,

File encoding

You can use csvOptions to specify the format of the export, such as the delimiter character used to separate fields, the fileName, or utf8WithBom to prefix the exported file with UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM). For more details on these options, please visit the csvOptions api page.

    fileName: 'customerDataBase',
    delimiter: ';',
    utf8WithBom: true,

Print export

Customize grid display

By default, the print export display all the DataGrid. It is possible to remove the footer and the toolbar by setting respectively hideFooter and hideToolbar to true.

    hideFooter: true,
    hideToolbar: true,

For more option to customize the print export, please visit the printOptions api page.

Custom export format

You can add custom export formats by creating your own export menu. To simplify its creation, we export <GridToolbarExportContainer /> which contains the menu logic. The default <GridToolbarExport /> is defined as follow:

const GridToolbarExport = ({ csvOptions, printOptions, ...other }) => (
  <GridToolbarExportContainer {...other}>
    <GridCsvExportMenuItem options={csvOptions} />
    <GridPrintExportMenuItem options={printOptions} />

Each child of the <GridToolbarExportContainer /> receives a prop hideMenu to close the export menu after the export. The demo below shows how to add a JSON export.

๐Ÿšง Excel export

โš ๏ธ This feature isn't implemented yet. It's coming.

๐Ÿ‘ Upvote issue #198 if you want to see it land faster. You will be able to export the displayed data to Excel with an API call, or using the grid UI.

๐Ÿšง Clipboard

โš ๏ธ This feature isn't implemented yet. It's coming.

๐Ÿ‘ Upvote issue #199 if you want to see it land faster. You will be able to copy and paste items to and from the grid using the system clipboard.


โš ๏ธ Only use this API as the last option. Give preference to the props to control the grid.


exportDataAsCsv: (options?: GridCsvExportOptions) => void
getDataAsCsv: (options?: GridCsvExportOptions) => string


exportDataAsPrint: (options?: GridPrintExportOptions) => void