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GridApi Interface

The full grid API.


import { GridApi } from '@mui/x-data-grid-pro';


Name Type Description
addRowGroupingCriteria (groupingCriteriaField: string, groupingIndex?: number) => void Adds the field to the row grouping model.
applySorting () => void Applies the current sort model to the rows.
commitCellChange (params: GridCommitCellChangeParams, event?: MuiBaseEvent) => boolean | Promise<boolean> Updates the field at the given id with the value stored in the edit row model.
commitRowChange (id: GridRowId, event?: MuiBaseEvent) => boolean | Promise<boolean> Updates the row at the given id with the values stored in the edit row model.
deleteFilterItem (item: GridFilterItem) => void Deletes a GridFilterItem.
exportDataAsCsv (options?: GridCsvExportOptions) => void Downloads and exports a CSV of the grid's data.
exportDataAsPrint (options?: GridPrintExportOptions) => void Print the grid's data.
exportState () => InitialState Generates a serializable object containing the exportable parts of the DataGrid state.
These values can then be passed to the initialState prop or injected using the restoreState method.
forceUpdate () => void Forces the grid to rerender. It's often used after a state update.
getAllColumns () => GridStateColDef[] Returns an array of GridColDef containing all the column definitions.
getAllRowIds () => GridRowId[] Gets the list of row ids.
getCellElement (id: GridRowId, field: string) => HTMLDivElement | null Gets the underlying DOM element for a cell at the given id and field.
getCellMode (id: GridRowId, field: string) => GridCellMode Gets the mode of a cell.
getCellParams <V = any, R = any, F = V>(id: GridRowId, field: string) => GridCellParams<V, R, F> Gets the GridCellParams object that is passed as argument in events.
getCellValue (id: GridRowId, field: string) => GridCellValue Gets the value of a cell at the given id and field.
getColumn (field: string) => GridStateColDef Returns the GridColDef for the given field.
getColumnHeaderElement (field: string) => HTMLDivElement | null Gets the underlying DOM element for the column header with the given field.
getColumnHeaderParams (field: string) => GridColumnHeaderParams Gets the GridColumnHeaderParams object that is passed as argument in events.
getColumnIndex (field: string, useVisibleColumns?: boolean) => number Returns the index position of a column. By default, only the visible columns are considered.
Pass false to useVisibleColumns to consider all columns.
getColumnPosition (field: string) => number Returns the left-position of a column relative to the inner border of the grid.
getColumnsMeta () => GridColumnsMeta Returns the GridColumnsMeta for each column.
getDataAsCsv (options?: GridCsvExportOptions) => string Returns the grid data as a CSV string.
This method is used internally by exportDataAsCsv.
getEditRowsModel () => GridEditRowsModel Gets the edit rows model of the grid.
getExpandedDetailPanels () => GridRowId[] Returns the rows whose detail panel is open.
getLocaleText <T extends GridTranslationKeys>(key: T) => GridLocaleText[T] Returns the translation for the key.
getPinnedColumns () => GridPinnedColumns Returns which columns are pinned.
getRootDimensions () => GridDimensions | null Returns the dimensions of the grid
getRow (id: GridRowId) => GridRowModel | null Gets the row data with a given id.
getRowElement (id: GridRowId) => HTMLDivElement | null Gets the underlying DOM element for a row at the given id.
getRowIdFromRowIndex (index: number) => GridRowId Gets the GridRowId of a row at a specific index.
The index is based on the sorted but unfiltered row list.
getRowIndex (id: GridRowId) => number Gets the row index of a row with a given id.
The index is based on the sorted but unfiltered row list.
getRowIndexRelativeToCurrentPage (id: GridRowId) => number Gets the index of a row relative to the rows that are visible in the current page.
getRowMode (id: GridRowId) => GridRowMode Gets the mode of a row.
getRowModels () => Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel> Gets the full set of rows as Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel>.
getRowNode (id: GridRowId) => GridRowTreeNodeConfig | null Gets the row node from the internal tree structure.
getRowParams (id: GridRowId) => GridRowParams Gets the GridRowParams object that is passed as argument in events.
getRowsCount () => number Gets the total number of rows in the grid.
getScrollPosition () => GridScrollParams Returns the current scroll position.
getSelectedRows () => Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel> Returns an array of the selected rows.
getSortedRowIds () => GridRowId[] Returns all row ids sorted according to the active sort model.
getSortedRows () => GridRowModel[] Returns all rows sorted according to the active sort model.
getSortModel () => GridSortModel Returns the sort model currently applied to the grid.
getVisibleColumns () => GridStateColDef[] Returns the currently visible columns.
getVisibleRowModels () => Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel> Returns a sorted Map containing only the visible rows.
hideColumnMenu () => void Hides the column menu that is open.
hideFilterPanel () => void Hides the filter panel.
hidePreferences () => void Hides the preferences panel.
isCellEditable (params: GridCellParams) => boolean Controls if a cell is editable.
isColumnPinned (field: string) => GridPinnedPosition | false Returns which side a column is pinned to.
isRowSelected (id: GridRowId) => boolean Determines if a row is selected or not.
pinColumn (field: string, side: GridPinnedPosition) => void Pins a column to the left or right side of the grid.
publishEvent GridEventPublisher Emits an event.
removeRowGroupingCriteria (groupingCriteriaField: string) => void sRemove the field from the row grouping model.
resize () => void Triggers a resize of the component and recalculation of width and height.
restoreState (stateToRestore: InitialState) => void Inject the given values into the state of the DataGrid.
scroll (params: Partial<GridScrollParams>) => void Triggers the viewport to scroll to the given positions (in pixels).
scrollToIndexes (params: Partial<GridCellIndexCoordinates>) => boolean Triggers the viewport to scroll to the cell at indexes given by params.
Returns true if the grid had to scroll to reach the target.
selectRow (id: GridRowId, isSelected?: boolean, resetSelection?: boolean) => void Change the selection state of a row.
selectRowRange (range: { startId: GridRowId; endId: GridRowId }, isSelected?: boolean, resetSelection?: boolean) => void Change the selection state of all the selectable rows in a range.
selectRows (ids: GridRowId[], isSelected?: boolean, resetSelection?: boolean) => void Change the selection state of multiple rows.
setCellFocus (id: GridRowId, field: string) => void Sets the focus to the cell at the given id and field.
setCellMode (id: GridRowId, field: string, mode: GridCellMode) => void Sets the mode of a cell.
setColumnHeaderFocus (field: string, event?: MuiBaseEvent) => void Sets the focus to the column header at the given field.
setColumnIndex (field: string, targetIndexPosition: number) => void Moves a column from its original position to the position given by targetIndexPosition.
setColumnVisibility (field: string, isVisible: boolean) => void Changes the visibility of the column referred by field.
setColumnVisibilityModel (model: GridColumnVisibilityModel) => void Sets the column visibility model to the one given by model.
setColumnWidth (field: string, width: number) => void Updates the width of a column.
setDensity (density: GridDensity, headerHeight?: number, rowHeight?: number) => void Sets the density of the grid.
setEditCellValue (params: GridEditCellValueParams, event?: MuiBaseEvent) => Promise<boolean> | void Sets the value of the edit cell.
Commonly used inside the edit cell component.
setEditRowsModel (model: GridEditRowsModel) => void Set the edit rows model of the grid.
setExpandedDetailPanels (ids: GridRowId[]) => void Changes which rows to expand the detail panel.
setFilterLinkOperator (operator: GridLinkOperator) => void Changes the GridLinkOperator used to connect the filters.
setFilterModel (model: GridFilterModel) => void Sets the filter model to the one given by model.
setPage (page: number) => void Sets the displayed page to the value given by page.
setPageSize (pageSize: number) => void Sets the number of displayed rows to the value given by pageSize.
setPinnedColumns (pinnedColumns: GridPinnedColumns) => void Changes the pinned columns.
setRowChildrenExpansion (id: GridRowId, isExpanded: boolean) => void Expand or collapse a row children.
setRowGroupingCriteriaIndex (groupingCriteriaField: string, groupingIndex: number) => void Sets the grouping index of a grouping criteria.
setRowGroupingModel (model: GridRowGroupingModel) => void Sets the columns to use as grouping criteria.
setRowMode (id: GridRowId, mode: GridRowMode) => void Sets the mode of a row.
setRows (rows: GridRowModel[]) => void Sets a new set of rows.
setSelectionModel (rowIds: GridRowId[]) => void Updates the selected rows to be those passed to the rowIds argument.
Any row already selected will be unselected.
setSortModel (model: GridSortModel) => void Updates the sort model and triggers the sorting of rows.
showColumnMenu (field: string) => void Display the column menu under the field column.
showError (props: any) => void Displays the error overlay component.
showFilterPanel (targetColumnField?: string) => void Shows the filter panel. If targetColumnField is given, a filter for this field is also added.
showPreferences (newValue: GridPreferencePanelsValue) => void Displays the preferences panel. The newValue argument controls the content of the panel.
sortColumn (column: GridColDef, direction?: GridSortDirection, allowMultipleSorting?: boolean) => void Sorts a column.
state State Property that contains the whole state of the grid.
subscribeEvent <E extends GridEventsStr>(event: E, handler: GridEventListener<E>, options?: EventListenerOptions) => () => void Registers a handler for an event.
toggleColumnMenu (field: string) => void Toggles the column menu under the field column.
toggleDetailPanel (id: GridRowId) => void Expands or collapses the detail panel of a row.
unpinColumn (field: string) => void Unpins a column.
updateColumn (col: GridColDef) => void Updates the definition of a column.
updateColumns (cols: GridColDef[]) => void Updates the definition of multiple columns at the same time.
updateRows (updates: GridRowModelUpdate[]) => void Allows to updates, insert and delete rows in a single call.
upsertFilterItem (item: GridFilterItem) => void Updates or inserts a GridFilterItem.